Classic Mini, nut and bolt sizes.
location / plaatsspanner size / sleutelmaatnominal length / nominale lengtetype / soort draad
valve cover / kleppendeksel5/8
alternator adjusting nut / dynamo stelmoer9/16
alternator securing bolts / dynamo ophangbouten1/2
distributor clamp a+ / verdelerklem a+7/16
oilpressure sensor / oliedruksensor7/16 or/of 24 mm
fan to waterpump / fan op waterpomp7/16
thermostat housing / thermostaathuis7/16 bolts/bouten
1/2 nuts on studs/moeren op tapeinden
head / kop1/2 and/en 9/16
starter motor / startmotor9/16
clutch cover / wok1/2
Clutch slave cylinder / HKC - pre verto - 9/16
engine mounts / motorsteunen1/2
radiator shroud / radiatormantel3/8
radiator bracket / radiatorsteun7/16
heater tap / kachelkraan7/16
bottom radiator mount / radiator ophanging (onder)1/2
carb to manifold / carb - spruitstuk1/2
manifold to head / spruitstuk - kop1/2
throttle cable / gaskabel7/16
idle adjusting bolt / stationairschroefje1/4
wheel nut / wielmoer11/16 = 17 mm (of 19 mm - Metro)
wipers / ruitewissers3/4

see also: torque table