Service Data
Engine/transmission unit, inc. filter:
with manual gearbox, refill                 8 1/2 pints (4.83 liters)
with automatic transmission, refill         9 pints (5 liters)
total                                       13 pints (7.38 liters)
Cooling system:
with heater                                 6 1/4 pints (3.55 liters)
without heater                              5 1/4 pints (3 liters)
Saloon*                                     5 1/2galls (25 liters)
Estate, Van and Pick-up                       6 galls (27.3 liters)
1275 GT
Up to 1974                                  5 1/2 galls (25 liters)
1974 on                                     7 1/2 galls (34 liters)

* Some Clubman 1100 saloon models
have 7 1/2 galls capacity
Engine/transmission unit* HD motor oil to
     B.L.S. OL.02 or MIL-L-2104B or API SE
Steering rack  EP 90 Gear Oil, or E 80 
     below - 15'C (10'F) (to MIL-L-2105)
Grease points  Multipurpose Lithium Base
     Grease (NLG I consistency No. 2)
Brake & clutch systems   Brake fluid 
     conforming to specification SAE J1703c, with
     minimum boiling-point of 260'C (500'F)
Cooling system Anti-freeze conforming 
     to BS 3151 or BS 3152

In no circumstances must any additive 
be introduced into the lubricants
recommended for the automatic gearbox

For tyre pressures see end 
of 'Front Suspension' section
For Engine Tune-up specifications 
see end of 'Tune-Up' section